What You Should Know about Hot Tub Chemicals?

Hot Tub Chemicals

Hot tubs are a great way to relax and unwind, but it’s important to remember that they require proper maintenance, and learning more about the chemicals can help the water remain clean and clear. Without them, harmful bacteria and germs can thrive in the warm environment, putting you and the other users’ health at risk.

Learning about the descriptions and the purpose of each solution or liquid can help you maintain your private spa without relying on the experts. If you’re wondering what chemicals to use in hot tub and how to use them, below is some information that may help you out.

Alkaline Treatment

Tap water may have mineral build-ups on them and they can stain your dishes when you wash them. It’s generally going to show the water that’s provided by your local council, which means that it’s filled with calcium deposits. Discovering the pH and alkaline levels will help you determine whether you have soft or hard water.

You need to keep the measurements at a certain level where the pH should be around 7.2 to 7.8, and the alkalinity should be at 80 to 110 parts per million. If the water is too basic, this can corrode the heating elements and shell, so be careful.


Biguanide is free from chlorine, and this can act as a sanitizer. It’s odorless and creates a silky soaking experience. If you have sensitivity to other cleaning solutions, make sure to kill the bacteria and viruses with this material, which is kept at around 30 to 50 ppm. See more about a biguanide when you click here.

Bromine can be one of the more common sanitizers that don’t produce chloramines. It can break down faster, and you can maintain it at around 4 to 6 ppm for spas. Chlorine is inexpensive, easy to use, and highly effective in killing microorganisms. You can turn on the jets when the levels are too high and balance this with other chemicals when needed. This should be around 1 to 3 ppm.

Oxidizers are going to work well in breaking down organic matter like dead skin cells, hair products, body lotions, and makeup. When you notice that the water is becoming cloudy, then this is the right option for you. Adding a shock treatment working alongside the sanitizer will help you achieve a cleaner hot tub.

Common Safety Precautions When Chemicals

Always read the instructions carefully before handling any chemicals, as each product may have specific guidelines for use, so it’s crucial to follow them closely. Always wear protective gear such as gloves and goggles when handling different types of solutions to avoid skin irritation or eye damage.

Never mix different products if you’re unsure about what they do in the first place. This can result in dangerous reactions or even create toxic fumes. Instead, add each of them separately and allow time for it to dissolve properly before adding another. Store the packages and the sack of sanitizers in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, as exposure to heat or moisture can cause them to become less effective or even unstable.

Regularly test your water chemistry levels using test strips or kits specifically designed for spas to help ensure that the balance is correct and prevent any potential health hazards. Also, be mindful of who has access to your storage rooms, especially if you have children or pets as the chemicals should always be kept out of reach of unsupervised individuals who may accidentally ingest them.

Testing the Chemistry and Other Alternatives

Kits are often available if you want a hassle-free experience of testing the water in your spa. You can get strips that can show you the results within minutes, and the secret to maintaining the right chemistry each time is to regularly do the testing.

Begin to see the patterns when applicable and dip the strips in small increments, especially after bathing or on a rainy day. Chemical fluctuations can be recorded through an app or a logbook if you want to keep track of what’s happening with the water in your tub. See more about what a hot tub is at this link: https://www.oed.com/dictionary/hot-tub_n?tl=true.

Specialties like algaecides can prevent the water from turning green, and they can kill various organisms in the water, while aromatherapy can also be added if you just want to relax and soak in the water for a few minutes. Others can seal leaks and cut down the levels of foam that can form because of the jets, while some are specifically made to resolve the issues that you may be having in your hot tub. Regardless of what you need them for, make sure to follow the manufacturers’ instructions to be on the safe side.